Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hawaiian Seashells Trivia

This information from the excellent Hawaiian Seashell book written by Mike Severns.

Trivia are often associated with Cowries (Cypraeidae) because of their ovate shells, but their shells differ from those of cowries by being sculptured with intricate currugations. The distinct nature of the corrugated patterns of each trivia species can be used as a key to identify the Hawaiian species. Trivias prey on colonial ascidians which can be found on the undersides of rocks and in cracks in the reef. They feed by inserting their long proboscis into one of the zooids and drawing out natrients. Most of Hawaii's trivia species are common in beach drift, indicating a shallow habitat, though one species is know to live as deep as 100 feet. Trivia species found in Hawaii are very small, not exceeding 5 mm.

Common name: small Trivia
Adult size: 5 mm
Depth 10-50 feet

Learn more about Trivia shells.

Picture by

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